Archive for February 2016

Nauticon 2016: Now with 23% More Dark Matter!

Tired of the standard every day convention? Looking for something new? Then why the fuck haven’t you signed up for NAUTICON yet?!?

This is THE con to attend if you need something new and different. Nauticon falls under what we refer to around here as as a relaxacon, or a con without the con. Skip panels and rest on the beach. Wander around P-town buying useless crap and eating awesome barbecue (seriously, the captain knows a BBQ place so good you’ll forget how awesome cape cod seafood is!) Play some Beer Croquet with your con buddies. Hang out with Barfleet ALL FUCKING DAY.

There’s a reason we call this convention HOME. You should too. ‪#‎nauticon‬ Nauticons (The 21+ Convention)

– LT CdR