Archive for May 2015

Nauticon 2015: Now with 87% More Debauchery!

BFNCHey kids! It’s almost time for the Shameless’ favorite-est con of the season! If you enjoy good food, good times, and drinks a-plenty, then you are no doubt familiar with the weapons-grade awesome that is Nauticon!

If not, then please immediately rectify this massive oversight in your life! Nauticon is 48 hours of 21+ geek-friendly revelry, held on the beach in P-Town, Cape Cod. In addition to all the usual panels and dealers booths, there are parties, various food and alcohol tastings, and this year, we’ll be bringing the Shameless Games, a series of events designed to test your sanity, or at least your sobriety.

It’s still not too late to unleash your personal party Kraken. May 15th to May 17th 2015! See you there!


P.S. There’s even a con-related discount on tickets for the Ferry between Boston and P-Town!