Archive for January 2015

It’s that fun filled time of year once more

And that time is, of course, Arisia! One of the hottest East Coast geek conventions during the coldest Arisia_0025time of the year!

(You don’t need to leave the hotel anyhow…)

Arisia, of course, holds a near and dear place in our collective hearts, as we’ve attended over these past seven years. We’ve had some triumphs, and some tragedies, but Arisia’s sheer per-square-inch of awesome keeps us coming back. So of course we’ll be around, and no doubt you’ll have no trouble finding us, but I’ve been ask to relay some info for the upcoming events.

There may, or may not, be a booty draw, as there has, or hasn’t been, in years past. And some of the awesome things that may or may not be had include:

  • A bottle of Crystal Head Vodka, autographed by Dan Aykroyd himself. Someone had to do something with all that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull merch left over; but seriously, DADDY WANT. It also comes with skull shaped shotglasses!
  • And finally, there’s a life sized cutout of Daenerys Targaryen, who’s apparently a character from some surprisingly popular television show on cable based on some books; books apparently being things people still read. Eh, whatever you kids like, I know I personally will not judge you for whatever it is you end up doing with her (Yes, I will.)

So watch our page and watch our Twitter feed, because we’re focusing on making 2015 a great year indeed!

– Cmd. Liften “Noodles” Kherry, Executive Officer