Archive for Party On Dudes!

PopCult Anime Con 2019: It’s Magick, Bitches!

As if there was any question about whether the UBS Shameless would be returning to PopCult – the 3rd most pop-y, and 17th most cult-y Anime convention on the Eastern seaboard –  suffer in uncertainty no more! We shall be there to grace your face and foist our …unique…presence onto one and all!

Magick Camp, I am told, is the theme of this year, and fortunately your humble Baroness-Commandant was able to get the special dispensation from the Amalgamated Federation of Witches, Warlocks, Spellbreakers, Arithromancers and Sorcerers she required to attend.

(You get wrapped in one unpleasant misunderstanding involving a sixteen year old princess and a room full of spinning wheels, and suddenly you’re persona non grata in the wizarding world. Sheesh!)

PopCult and Barfleet are definitely a match made in whatever particular plane of post-life existence you choose to go with, and we could not be happier to be returning. So after a long day of absolutely killing it dressed up as your favorite character, why not track us down and let us entertain you with a little magic hospitality of our own?

(Please leave all magical familiars at the door. Sorry, it’s a Commonwealth of Massachusetts thing, otherwise we’d totally be cool with it.)

-Baroness-Commandant Saotomae, R.E.D. Team


Nauticon 2015: Now with 87% More Debauchery!

BFNCHey kids! It’s almost time for the Shameless’ favorite-est con of the season! If you enjoy good food, good times, and drinks a-plenty, then you are no doubt familiar with the weapons-grade awesome that is Nauticon!

If not, then please immediately rectify this massive oversight in your life! Nauticon is 48 hours of 21+ geek-friendly revelry, held on the beach in P-Town, Cape Cod. In addition to all the usual panels and dealers booths, there are parties, various food and alcohol tastings, and this year, we’ll be bringing the Shameless Games, a series of events designed to test your sanity, or at least your sobriety.

It’s still not too late to unleash your personal party Kraken. May 15th to May 17th 2015! See you there!


P.S. There’s even a con-related discount on tickets for the Ferry between Boston and P-Town!

I Like Pie PI!


Hey there Cadets!breaking-bad-star-trek-animated It’s PI Time!

8PI-Con Time, to be precise

The con that started it all for us, the place where we launched the good ship Shameless, has returned after a years hiatus. Join us in welcoming back this beloved CT/MA convention. This year’s Guest of Awesome is longtime Shameless Friend with Benefits Justine Graykin, with Guest of Honor Allen Steele. As you can imagine, we’ve missed this friendly, fun, and fancy-free convention. Sure to be a blast, so come on down and party with us June 27th – 29th!

(And yes, we strongly suspect there will be pie. But there’s only one way for you to actually find out!)

– Commander Liften “Noodles” Kherry, XO


Parties Ahoy!

Though the year got off to a rocky start, we are undaunted. Indeed, we have a Spring season just jam packed with slack, and wholesome (hah!) party goodness!


Nauticon 2014
May 2-4, 2014
Provincetown, MA

Do you like booze? Do you like the beach? Are you at least moderately inclined towards all things fannish? And are you particularly excited about what happens when all three things come together? Then good God, Nauticon is for you!

Back for it’s third year, Nauticon is going all out with a viking theme! The perfect accompaniment for our Saturday Night revelry and merrymaking.

The venue is gorgeous, not to mention that this is probably one of the most perfect times of the year to hit the Cape; fantastic weather and no craziness with the tourists yet.Come for the beach excitement, stay for the YTs!


And don’t forget!:

June 27-29, 2014
Enfield, CT

Long time fans might remember a fateful day in 2007, when the intrepid crew of the UBS Shameless came together with con attendees, and christened our mighty ship during 2PiCon, an event that still lives on in legend as “The Painsphere Incident.” Neither hurricane force winds nor running out of rum has dulled our enthusiasm for this convention. PiCon will always have a special place in our history.

Returning triumphantly from their hiatus, 8Pi-Con will be June 27-29th, and the UBS Shameless will be there to party it up on Saturday Night! We are particularly thrilled that long-time Special Friend (with Benefits) Of The Ship, Justine Graykin, is this year’s Guest of Awesome.

Between Nauticon in May and Picon in June, the next couple of months are looking pretty damn spectacular. See you then!

-Command Liften “Noodles” Kherry, XO.

It’s Nearly Upon Us

After a long period of behind the scenes silence as we make our preparations and final checks, it’s almost time for Nauticon 2013!

Just a reminder, this is going to be an even greater blowout than usual: Not only are we providing official parties on Friday AND Saturday, but our own Commodore Erikson will be there as a convention Guest of Awesome ( The Commodore is the Barfleet founder, and will be there along with several members of the Fleet Command staff.

(You have no idea the lengths that the Padre has been going to, to secure ordnance for this event…it’s literally international.)

There’s still tickets to be had for the con, so be sure to grab yours before that changes! You can’t get into the party without a con badge!

For more info about Nauticon please visit there website at www, 


Special Announcement of Awesome!

Well, the cat is out of the bag and we are finally allowed to talk about it. This year at Nauticon (Sept 13-15,, the UBS Shameless will be the Guest Group of Awesome and will be the official party hosts! We will be throwing events on both Friday and Saturday nights! The details can be found here:

In addition, we are proud to announce that Nauticons Fan Guest of Awesome will be none other than Barfleets own Commodore Erikson! Details:

What’s that? You want to join us? That sounds like a great plan! See you there!

They’re Going To Have To Invent New Ways To Describe Awesome Now…

So as many of you know, we had a tiny little shindig at Arisia, and it went okay.


Seriously, it was a personal best. Records were smashed. Those smashed pieces were then further violated (we’re not allowed to say how, in at least 32 states) and chucked out the window. We raised enough money that even after paying off our room bill and making our charitable donation to the ever-worthy Operation Hammond we still have a bit more money than we had right before our long string of bad luck began. Of course, we’ll need to start buying more cups, and other consumables, but the important part is NOW WE CAN AFFORD TO DO SO! Furthermore, there was so much awesome around that we now have to have command staff meeting tonight for the purpose of inventing whole new ways of properly containing it in the future.

A lot of people worked very hard to make it all come together, but we still couldn’t do it without the support of you, our fanbase, and our fabulous sponsors. Thanks for making it all worthwhile, and we’ll see you soon again!!

Executive Officer Liften “Noodles” Kherry
(Who has a major sad that he was unable to attend)

Party Alert! Party Alert!

We’re well underway getting the ship all set for the mission to Lensmen Patrol Headquarters, known to most sentient beings as Arisia. The crew has been working hard to stock the bar with a wide array of the finest ETOH in the fleet, and stocking the cargo bay full of high quality slack. All was going well until someone had the bright idea to rewire the big red “Engage” button that puts the ship into warp to the primary weapon firing controls. Needless to say, we wiped out an entire moon owned by the Vulcan Temperance Ministry. It was a complete utter accident (Yeah that’s right, an accident…yeeeah) and frankly we’re really very, very sorry. *snicker*

Come join us in little more than a week’s time at Arisia on Saturday Night in what we have been referring to as “Mystery Shadow Lounge 3000″. It’s going to be a blast and full of slack, entertainment and plenty of good cheer!

XO’s note: Dying to find out the location? Either track down a helpful Barfleet member, check out our Facebook page, or our Twitter feed.